How to start composting at home

Home composting enables you to recycle not only your garden waste, but also non-cooked waste from the kitchen. To get the best from your compost you need to add a mixture of “greens” and “browns”.
Tea bags, grass cuttings, vegetable peelings, old flowers, fruit scraps including the peel from citrus fruit, nettle stems with leaves, coffee grounds and filter paper, bedding plants, young annual weeds.
Crushed up egg shells, egg boxes, cereal boxes, corrugated cardboard packaging – scrunched up in small amounts, tubes from kitchen or toilet rolls, woody prunings, dry leaves, twigs and hedge clippings, straw and hay, bedding from vegetarian pets, wool, feathers, ashes from wood, paper or lump wood charcoal, cotton threads, string made from natural fibres, tissues, paper towels and napkins (unless they have been in contact with meats, fats or oils), shredded paper.
Which compost bin?
There are many different types of compost bin you can buy or make, explore what might be best for your here